Marsha Malish Jones Endowed Presidential Scholarship

Marsha and Robert Jones
Marsha Malish Jones is a graduate of the College of Communication. Her husband, Robert, is a graduate of the McCombs School of Business. Both have been lifelong UT fans and supporters, as are numerous members of their families. Marsha’s brother, Bobby Malish, and his wife, Michelle, are Communication graduates as well. Bobby earned a degree in photojournalism, Michelle in advertising.
Marsha and her brothers Eddie and Bobby grew up in Austin, and they cannot recall a time when The University of Texas was not a part of their lives. During Marsha’s father’s funeral and memorial services several years ago, she and her family heard countless stories about her father, Eugene Malish, from people in the community whom they’d never met. His life’s example of giving generously was recounted over and over.
This experience motivated Marsha and Robert to establish a permanent reminder of the difference one person’s generosity can make in the lives of many others. Marsha and Robert chose to fund scholarships to the College of Communication because of her strong family connections to the school.
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