Nisankarao S. Rao Endowed Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Nisankarao S. Rao (NS) graduated in 1952 in chemical engineering and made his living working in the petroleum industry. He believed and subscribed to the philosophy that one could accomplish anything with the right attitude and determination. His lifelong career as a distinguished engineer encompassing the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East is a testament to that philosophy. No matter where he was in the world, he managed to keep up with football—especially when the Longhorns were involved!

The Nisankarao S. Rao Endowed Scholarship in Chemical Engineering is a permanent endowment used for the benefit of the Cockrell School of Engineering. The endowment funds undergraduate scholarships for upper-level students in the Department of Chemical Engineering planning to pursue a graduate degree after graduation. Preference for the award is given to the students with the highest grade point average of their class.
The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin has evolved through the decades from a center of education focused primarily on chemical and petroleum industries to one today that spans microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental sciences and consumer product industries.
The Cockrell School of Engineering is defined by a history of producing engineers who become confident, successful professionals and leaders of change and growth. In the 2010 U.S News & World Report rankings, the Cockrell School is ranked 9th in undergraduate programs and 10th in graduate programs. This legacy would not be possible without the fortunate endowment of our university, the generosity of our loyal alumni and friends with their time and gifts and an opportune business environment in Texas and Austin that seeks innovation and discovery.
To contribute to the Nisankarao S. Rao Endowed Scholarship you may send gifts to The University of Texas at Austin Engineering Foundation at 1 University Station, C2104, Austin, TX 78712 .
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