Alaina L. Hanson Endowed Presidential Scholarship
Alaina Hanson (Class of ’99) and her husband Chris (’98) met even before they attended The University of Texas. In fact, Alaina had initially hoped to attend Texas A&M for her undergraduate degree, but Chris helped her to, as he says, “see the light,” and the two pursued their degrees together.
Chris and Alaina moved to Dallas after they graduated, but they soon realized they could not stay away from Austin for long. After seven years they returned and became involved with the Longhorn Foundation. Chris and Alaina attend most football, men’s basketball, and baseball games at UT, and are members of the UT Club.

Chris and Alaina Hanson
Chris decided to donate a scholarship in his wife’s name to reflect Alaina’s giving nature and generosity. Alaina is frequently the first to step up and volunteer, whether in her home, work, church, or in the community. Chris attributes this to her Christian faith.

Chris and Alaina Hanson Family
Chris says of his wife, “Alaina is a true giver. She gives to her marriage, children, extended family, friends, and employees. I believe it’s important to honor someone who has sacrificed.”
The two value their time and education at The University of Texas and they agree it opened many doors for them. Chris knew Alaina would love to be part of creating this opportunity for future students when he gave her the scholarship for her birthday in 2012.
The Hansons take joy in knowing that this will benefit students at The University of Texas at Austin for generations to come. They look forward to witnessing the recipients’ growth, and to personally connecting with them whenever possible. They also hope that through the experience of meeting scholarship recipients and seeing these students grow, their own children will learn the benefits and joys of generosity.
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