Elizabeth Shatto Massey Endowed Chair in Education
Philanthropists and long-time Texas education supporters John H. and Elizabeth “Libba” Shatto Massey have donated $1.5 million to The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Education to create the Elizabeth Shatto Massey Endowed Chair in Education.
Funds from the permanent endowment will be used to engage a nationally prominent scholar whose research and instruction will advance first-rate, innovative technology use in teacher education and to sponsor education conferences and visiting scholars. The endowment may also be used to support research fellowships for doctoral students who work with the Chair holder.

The Masseys also have established the Elizabeth Shatto Massey Scholarship in Education and the Hill Bank & Trust Endowed Educational Scholarship Fund in the College of Education. These academic scholarships were created to benefit Colorado County youth who are preparing for a career in teaching.
Elizabeth Massey, a College of Education graduate and former public school teacher, is a longtime member of the College of Education’s Education Foundation Advisory Council and serves as chair. She is chair-elect of the Development Board of The University of Texas at Austin, a member of the Executive Committee of the University of Texas System’s Chancellor’s Council and co-chair of The University of Texas at Austin’s Campaign for Texas. She also is a member of the Texas Exes Board of Directors. The Elizabeth Shatto Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education, administered by the Texas Exes, recognizes exceptional University of Texas at Austin faculty who are engaged in teacher preparation. Ms. Massey recently completed nine years of service as a trustee of Highland Park Independent School District.
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