Mary Ritchie Key Fund for Linguistics Research Materials
The Mary Ritchie Key Fund for Linguistics Research Materials was established in Spring 2003 by Prof. Mary Ritchie Key, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of California at Irvine, to support the purchase of library materials in all formats for the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection in the field of linguistics, broadly defined, including such subjects as anthropology, dialects, folklore, music and others as appropriate, to be selected by the Benson staff.

Prof. Key received her M.A. and her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. And, died on September 5, 2003, in Tustin, CA. This story appears courtesy of The University of Texas Libraries.
Prof. Key is the author and editor of numerous books and articles listed below:
1. Comparative Tacanan Phonology: With Cavinena Phonology and Notes on Pano-Tacanan Relationship (Mouton, 1968); Editor with Adam Kendon and Richard M. Harris.
2. The Organization of Behavior in Face-to-Face Interaction(Mouton, 1975)
3. Male/Female Language (Scarecrow, 1975)
4. Paralanguage and Kinesics (Nonverbal Communication (Scarecrow, 1975)
5. Nonverbal Communication: A Research Guide and Bibliography(Scarecrow, 1977)
6. The Grouping of South American Indian Languages(Gunter Narr, 1979)
7. Coeditor of The Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication (Mouton, 1980) and Nonverbal Communication Today: Current Research(Mouton, 1982)
8. Editor with Henry M. Hoenigswald of General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman(Mouton, 1989)
9. Editor, Language Change in South American Indian Languages(University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991).
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