Sun and Yim Yip Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
The Sun and Yim Yip Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering was established by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System on January 31, 2014, to benefit The University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering. The endowment honors Mr. Sun Yip and Mrs. Yim Yip. Gift funds were provided by Ms. Amy Yip.
The Sun and Yim Yip Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering was given to UT by Amy Yip in honor of her parents, Sun and Yim.

Amy Yip
Amy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1998. During her time here, she was actively involved in the Society of Women Engineers, where she held the position of president.
This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students involved in the Cockrell School’s Women in Engineering Program who are studying mechanical engineering.
Amy named the endowment for her parents because they have been supportive of her education. If they had had the chance to attend college, she says, she thinks they might have become mechanical engineers, too, seeing as they are both creative and technical problem solvers.
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